Operating your door company should be enjoyable. The opportunity a new day presents should be exhilarating for you and your employees. The creative nervous energy that you felt when you first opened your company or signed on as a new hire should still exist. If this is not the case, it is imperative that you understand why, and take steps to correct the issue.
Recruiting and retaining employees, acquiring new business, dealing with customers, and managing supply challenges has become all-consuming for many door dealers. Lack of automation magnifies these challenges by making everything a manual administrative task.
To compound this, a shrinking but significant number of door companies continue to run outdated, disconnected business systems for service management, accounting, reporting and CRM. Information critical to decision making is often fragmented in silos throughout the organization resulting in lost opportunities and delays. Information that you should have at your fingertips to answer questions and be proactive requires time and labor to access. Processes that could easily be automated through a system carefully designed for a modern door company are absent, and employees deal with a higher than necessary level of frustration that can lead to a culture of unhappiness.
We’ve spent nearly three decades exclusively serving the door industry by providing a single unified software platform for running a door business. Built on Acumatica, Insite4Doors is a connected system that delivers everyone, from rep, to tech to owner, with exactly what they need to be efficient and successful. With beautiful dashboards, that users can customize, we deliver live actionable information, and a mobile platform that gives technicians and salespeople the access and control they need to be effective and profitable. Automate tasks, reporting, purchasing, and marketing based on your individual company requirements quickly and easily.
If you are tired of stepping over dollars to save dimes and ready to modernize your door company, we would love to talk to you. Learn More