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Financial Views

Complete Vision of Your Entire Enterprise

  • Live vision of activity by department
  • Multi-company/location/territory
  • Cash requirements reports (weekly, monthly, yearly)
  • Accounts Receivable activity with customer detail
  • Period sales reports with monthly and yearly comparison
  • Activity by service order type and profitability
  • Revenue source reporting
  • Sales and service trends
  • Performance by salesperson
  • Connection to Microsoft tools like Excel and PowerBI

Key Performance Metrics and Alerts

  • Setting thresholds for performance
  • Collections alerts
  • Approval process
  • Vision of all employee dashboards and KPIs
  • Unlimited configurable email and text notifications

Want to know more?

Chances are that you are already spending more money managing multiple systems and manual processes than it would cost to implement a system that could make you more profitable, and give you the tools to grow.

Complete ERP for The Door Industry